Friday, January 6, 2017

A Light On The Mountain

There comes a time in the life of some individuals where they realize that they have some purpose to fulfill, a destiny to reach out towards or perhaps simply a deep burning desire that they feel compelled to follow to whatever end of the Earth it might take them. This manifests itself in many ways and often results in the life's work of the individual, although that is not always what becomes famous in future times. Sometimes the greatest work that an individual has accomplished may be completely unknown to the others around them besides a few. It can be lonely work but the rewards are rich for those who see themselves in it. Usually what is lauded is the outward changes of appearances that have taken place and these are only scant evidence of the transformations taking place within the individual. For others, they may appear unchanging and yet are continuously refining a subtle quality about them. The work is different for each - the Great Work is done by all fast or slow. For most it takes a great many lives and for some they discover a path whereby they might accomplish this work of refinement and elevation of their very being.

This online journal has been created to share my own work, my own journey towards the great heights and vistas, as well as the deep valleys, towards the shining Light before me. This Light appears to me as though it is at a great distance yet full of brilliance, like a lighthouse high up on a cliff, shining its guidance out in all directions. I am not near it yet it seems, but I see it. Although, some part of me does feel it is ever near.

I have some valleys and hills to traverse before I reach the foot of the mountain, as well as some preparation for the journey, but I am confident in the seriousness of my intent and the virtue of the path I seek to follow. I know with some certainty that I am headed towards a light on the mountain, but whither shall this path take me? The path towards one's own being is riddled with mystery.

I strive now with my preparations through which I start to balance my vehicles, body, mind and spirit together so that there is strength enough in my being to complete the journey. I have chosen a more public avenue of sharing for a number of reasons but most important being that I believe and feel it is an example of my work as well as a part of my work. I do not believe I am here merely to deliver a product created, that is not the point or purpose of the Great Work, but rather to assist in demonstrating the process as it occurs from the ground up and continuously.

Since I am already of some slight age and have encountered many ideas it will naturally be somewhat impossible to be completely 'fresh' of mind in my considerations. However, I will do my best to engage the principles I profess entirely on their own merits. The purpose here is not to explain or exemplify a system or to attempt to express the entirety of my purposes therein, but rather simply to relate my own experiences with the Work of Life and to offer it as a demonstration for those who may find some benefit or interest in their own Work. As such, this is an opinionated journal and is not intended as authoritative or representative in any way of either the practices I am examining or of the systems I am exploring. As such all my words should be considered as my own personal slant and which will more often than not tend to be expressive of my own philosophy rather than those of the influences I am exposed to.

May the Light reach you and illuminate the deepest parts of yourself. Amun.


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